Mabon Ritual
So I've gotten behind on my blog posts, and that's ok. These are crazy times. I want to continue the Dedicant Path along this weekly plan, but am going to take a temporary hiatus while I more fully develop my personal hearth practice, which I'll blog about sporadically as it occurs to me. For now, here is my latest entry pertaining to the Dedicant Path; a summary of my celebration of Mabon in question and answer format.
How did the rite go in terms of structure? In terms of structure, the rite went pretty well. Since I am still getting used to the COoR, I chose to use the Mabon ritual provided in The Solitary Druid. I substituted cheerios for cornmeal but otherwise had all the components and was able to perform the rite as written.
What things went wrong during the ritual? While most of the ritual went smoothly enough, I did have a moment near the end after taking the omen where I accidentally put out one of the candles with an offering of oil. I took a moment to relight it from one of the still lit candles and continued on.
What things went right? I would say the ritual went right for the most part. I was able to perform during the actual equinox, about 2 hours past it's exact point, which I know is not required but still felt nice. Despite any hiccups, I didn't have to stop and search for what to do next or redo any steps. Offerings were done largely without issue as was purifying the space and hallows. I also felt I was able to hold my focus relatively well, except when I was occasionally distracted by some neighborhood sounds. When all was done, I emptied any unused offerings out onto the earth outside.
Who were the patrons of the rite, and who was the gatekeeper? The patrons of the rite were Mabon and his mother Modron. The gatekeeper was Manannán mac Lir.
Did you have problems with saying the words without stumbling, or did everything come out smoothly? By and large everything went smoothly. However, I had written out the ritual for nighttime and performed it a bit before dusk so I stumbled a couple of times on such words. I also had trouble pronouncing Twrch Trwyth in my practice run of the ritual so I just referred to it as the great boar.
Did you forget to bring a sacrifice? I did forget to have herbs ready as an offering to the land spirits but my box of herbs was just a few feet away.
Were you alone, or with a group? I was alone.
How did the rite go in terms of function and feeling? The rite went fairly well in terms of function and feeling. After the 2 powers meditation, I felt at peace and solemnly reverent as I began the rite. I had practiced using my ritual voice prior and felt good about it during. The pace felt natural as I moved from step to step. At one point, during a set of offerings, I felt I was making the offering at the wrong point of speech, but I can address this next time. When it was over, I felt like I'd accomplished something real.
Did you feel anything during the ritual? I felt calm and reverent, mostly. It feels silly to say, but I really felt like I was speaking to and making offerings to real entities. I'm used to religious worship feeling secondhand and metaphorical. This felt first-hand and physical.
Did you experience doubt or confidence? I experienced a little bit of both doubt and confidence. The doubt primarily came when I was distracted by the sounds of neighbors outside my window and lost a bit of my focus. I'm still quite self-conscious and insecure in front of others. My confidence only really faltered when taking the omens. I had to take a minute after each rune to quickly research its divinatory interpretations which took me out of the moment temporarily.
Can you describe what happened? I began the rite as the Solitary Druid described, by ringing a bell in 3 sets of 3 chimes. I then spoke the Opening Prayer and sat down to do the 2 Powers meditation before purifying the space with sprinkled water and burning palo santo. I gave offerings of cheerios to honor the Earth Mother and olive oil for the Bardic Deities. Next, I gave the Historical Precedent; the balance and eternal cycles embodied by the High Day. Then I established the Horizontal Axis, sprinkling cheerios for the earth, water for the seas, and smoke for the sky. The Vertical Axis was established next with offerings of a silver coin made to the well, olive oil to the fire, and smoke and water to the tree. I made these offerings while reading the chant provided; Fire, Bright Fire by Pandora. Then, with an offering of oil to the fire, I called upon Manannán mac Lir to be Gatekeeper. I then invited the 3 kindreds to join me, offering cheerios to the Ancestors, lavender to the land spirits, and oil to the Shining Ones. It was then time to invite the Primary Deities of the occasion; Mabon and his mother, Modron. I offered up oil for both as I briefly recounted Mabon's story of imprisonment and rescue by Arthur and Modron's story of searching for her lost son. It would have been appropriate to give a praise offering at this point, but I lament that I did not have one ready and moved on to the key offering. I put a larger amount of oil on the fire than previously, and it was at this point that a flame went out. I quickly relit it and moved on to the omens, drawing Dagaz, Thurisaz, and Raidho. I asked those present to pour the blessings into my glass of apple ale and drank. I finished the rite by thanking first Mabon and Misread and giving a final offering, before following suit with the Kindreds, Manannán mac Lir (at which point, the gates were closed), Ogma and the Earth Mother. I then reversed the 2 powers meditation, seeing the energy around flow first into me and then from me back to where it originated. I declared the rite ended and cleaned up in silence, pouring offerings out the window and onto the earth.
What omens were drawn (if any), and what did they tell you? I asked what blessings there were for me and drew 3 runes, 1 for each kindred. Dagaz, which I interpreted to mean positive growth in my life from the Ancestors. Thurisaz, which I interpreted to mean good luck and assistance from the Land Spirits. And Raidho, which I interpreted to mean receiving advice or guidance from the Shining Ones.
Could you feel the presence of any deities, spirits, or powers? I don't know that I felt the presence of any others, but I felt like I was myself a part of something bigger. I felt like a piece of a larger whole and could imagine others across the globe celebrating at the same time. I am optimistic that this will evolve as I gain more experience.
What else about the rite struck you, or do you want to share? Even during the occasional moments of doubt, it still felt good to be doing something celebratory and worshipful. It was a calming and happy feeling.