Building My Practice
The last couple of days, I have been focusing on laying out the structure of this project. It is my intention to compile a singular source of spiritual reference for my practice. At the very beginning, of course, will be the section regarding the Dedicant’s Path and it will include all relevant documentation.
Other sections will cover the 3 pantheons/cultures I ascribe to, their respective heroes and myths, my rituals and prayers, the Wheel of the Year as it applies to each culture, and magic such as spellcraft and herbology as well as divination.
Up to this point, I have read the Dedicant’s Manual once and am going through it a second time. I started listening to an audiobook of the Poetic Edda prior to starting down this path, though not from the same author in the reading list. I plan on reading the translation by Lee Hollander after I am more familiar with the stories and then writing my review. I have not started the other 2 books yet and may end up reading 6 total, 2 from each section instead of just 1. I had previously read Drawing Down the Moon some time ago and am eager to read it again for a refresher.
Regarding the High Days, I recently purchased a set of books covering each in detail and plan to write those essays in the next week or 2. I’ve already read 2 or 3 of them when preparing for their respective High Days. I have yet to perform a Core Order of Ritual in any capacity, but I’ve enjoyed a few festivities such as putting up and dancing around a maypole with my daughter and baking bread.
I have begun exploring and defining the 3 kindreds the 9 pagan virtues but am unsure if I will add to the list or not. I rather like the additional sets of virtues laid out in the Dedicant’s Manual for ancient Europe and the Asatru. I may just pick a few from each to supplement the primary 9.
Meditation is likely going to be the hardest element for me to tackle. Between being autistic, ADHD, and aphantasic, clearing my mind and visualizing is quite the hurdle. I have limited capacity for mental imagery, but have been practicing on occasion. I think if I can set aside the time to practice meditating for 15 minutes a few times a week, I can improve. It will take effort to successfully incorporate it into my routines, but I will try.
My home shrine is one area where I feel somewhat accomplished. I have all the elements set up in a visually pleasing manner as an an altar on the top of my dresser. Beneath everything is a black altar cloth with the triple moon. For the tree, I have a piece of petrified wood. For the well, I have water in a shot glass. For the fire, I have 2 votive candles on either side of a large tobacco scented candle. 2 incense holders sit on either edge. Other items include a few bottles of oils, salts, an empty shot glass for offerings, various gemstones, a blue feather, some acorns, and plant imagery.
Another area I feel relatively accomplished is my environmental impact. Of course, there is always room for improvement and I will continue to look for it, but I am stellar relative to my city and state. Now that I write that out, it occurs to me that reaching out to the city itself might be an avenue I should consider. Perhaps I will.
That’s all for this entry. This post has been a copy and paste from the journal I am keeping as part of the project. I will probably continue to copy and paste such entries with occasional clarifications for the blog. See you all next time. Blessed be.